We’ve been helping plasterers with their business insurance needs for the last decade.
Whilst public liability is the most common form of insurance we help plasterers with, we can also help with their tools, vehicles and their personal cover.
If you’re just after a quote at this stage please click here or call us on 1800 808 800, or read on to check out our guide on plasterers insurance.
There aren’t many job sites where a plasterer isn’t required, and it’s no surprise that plasterers make up one of our largest groups of trades that we look after.
After so many years of looking after plasterers, we know what you need when it comes to business insurance, and we’ve put together the following guide which we hope is helpful for you.
We’ll go through some of the major forms of business insurance that plasterers often need.
Public Liability Insurance
By far the most common form of insurance we look after for our plastering business clients is public liability insurance.
This form of insurance is designed to cover you in the event that your business activities result in property damage or personal injury to a third party.
Quite often you’ll find that builders require any plasterers on site (or any other subcontractors for that matter) hold their own public liability cover and provide a certificate of currency as evidence.
For plastering businesses with no more than five staff, and not undertaking work in any high-risk locations, we can provide instant quotes for public liability insurance online.
If you have more than five staff, or if you work in higher-risk locations, our team can put together a more tailored quote that properly covers your business.
Higher-risk locations typically include things like airports, mine sites, public utilities etc. We can still obtain cover for working in these locations, but it’s a little more specialised.
To speak with one of our brokers please call us on 1800 808 800, or you can start the process by completing our comprehensive quote form. This won’t give you an instant quote, but does contain all of the information our brokers need to put together some quotes for you.
Tool Insurance
Power tools are a major target for thieves, which sadly puts plasterers and other tradies right in their sights.
We’re forever dealing with claims for stolen tools. Whilst we love getting claims paid for tradies, we hate seeing them go through the pain of having their vehicle or trailer broken into and cleaned out.
Tool insurance can’t help stop the theft, but it can make life far easier afterwards by covering the cost of replacing your stolen tools.
Whilst each different insurer’s tool policy will be slightly different, typically tool insurance will cover you gear for fire and storm damage, damage suffered in a vehicle collision or rollover, and theft following forced or violent entry.
You can also cover your tools for accidental damage. Typically this is an extra-cost option.
Whilst we don’t offer tool insurance on its own, we can certainly help when combined with your public liability insurance.
Stock coverage isn’t something that a lot of our clients take, but it’s definitely worth considering for a plastering business.
Imagine having ten grand worth of plasterboard sitting somewhere and it gets destroyed or stolen.
Our brokers can give you the option of covering your stock as part of your business insurance pack.
Personal Accident
Like most trades, plastering is a very physical job with plenty of lifting and manoeuvring.
An injury or illness, even if it wasn’t to serious, could leave you unable to work for a period of time, and as a self-employed plasterer, this could mean no income.
Personal accident insurance can cover a large portion of your income whilst you’re unable to work due to injury or illness.
With some insurers the illness coverage is optional, so make sure you check that when comparing quotes.
Personal accident insurance is very similar to income protection in many ways, but income protection will generally offer a longer benefit period. This means it can continuing paying you benefits all the way to age 65, whilst a personal accident policy is generally limited to three years.
This isn’t the only difference between personal accident and income protection, and if you’d like more information we’d recommend speaking with a financial adviser who specialises in income protection.
If you’d like a quote or more information on personal accident insurance please click here or call us.
Commercial Motor
Your ute, van or truck is vital to your business, so it’s important to have it properly protected.
Whilst any insurer can cover your ute or van, a basic car insurance policy isn’t always up to scratch if you’re serious about your business.
A proper commercial motor policy will typically offer a more comprehensive level of cover for your vehicle. If you have multiple vehicles or a large fleet, a commercial motor policy will enable you to combine all vehicles on a single policy.
Combining your vehicles will not only make life easier, but could also save you money.
Why plasterers should use an insurance broker
Whilst you could go directly to an insurance company to get most of the policy types we’ve detailed above, there are some very good reasons for a plastering business to use a broker.
First up we might be able to save you money. We know the trades well, and in particular plasterers, and we can quickly find the most competitive premiums across a wide range of insurance companies we use.
We can also combine your policies to save you time. This doesn’t mean having a single policy that covers everything, as sometimes we find that spreading your cover across multiple policies works out best.
But we can still combine them into a single monthly payment, and you’ll have a single contact (an account manager) whenever you need to make changes or claims across your policies.
Our team specialises in the trades and help hundreds of plastering businesses with their insurance needs.
We’ve won multiple awards for our service and have over 900 reviews from happy clients. We’d love the opportunity to help you too.
Call us on 1800 808 800 and speak with our friendly team to see how we can save you time and money, and make sure you’re taken care of at claim time when it matters.